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You Are Invited to Remember Who and What We Really Are



Meditation Entrainment
Jan 17-21, July 4-8, 2023

Your Invitation to Awaken


You are invited to awaken your full potential and create a profound paradigm shift in your life.

5-MeO-DMT is a replicable technology of the sacred that can reveal the Divine within. It is endogenous to all mammals, including human beings–we already have the on-switch. We also have the ability for this connection without 5-MeO–indeed, meditation, breath work and other modalities that focus the mind inwards can prepare us for this ultimate awareness. And together, with ancient meditation techniques and sacred medicine combined, we can learn to remember that we are the medicine. 


At Bridging Heaven it’s our goal to entrain you with established meditation and yogic pathways, assisted by low-dose 5-MEO-DMT, and to anchor the ongoing awareness of your own Divine nature.


From our luxury Mexican retreat center we assist established meditators to realize and anchor the samadhi state of consciousness, and teach psychonauts who may have experienced externally triggered samadhi states how to use meditation, breath work and yoga to keep that space open and available.   


We utilize the sacrament of 5-MeO-DMT simply to stabilize the pathways that are being taught and deepened. On our 5-day program you will learn skills and routines to keep that pathway open endogenously–which is our ultimate goal.



“Union, the goal of yoga, achieves its full fruition when the human mind blossoms into samadhi. “Samadhi” translates to Sam “together,” a “towards,” dhi “integration or wholeness” and is the final limb in RajaYoga’s windy journey home. It represents the full flowering of human consciousness as the individual awakens to the deepest truth of being. 

This ever-present truth, the yogis tell us, quietly awaits its discovery, with nothing less than the promise to liberate the indwelling soul from the suffering inherent in an earthly existence. In that revelation we find true rest, as we turn toward the world with an open heart, integrated and whole.”  


– Eugene A. Alliende



•    Seekers that hunger to know their true self (‘Awakening’)

•    People who already have experience with meditation, self-inquiry, or 5-MeO  

•    Those who wish to make a difference in the world

•    Those who  are seriously ready for change on a core, deep level and to embody their full potential

This is not an entry-level psychedelic retreat. We have 8 spots available for our initial retreat this July and may offer this program only a few times a year. We will be screening candidates for the best fit and the rigors of the retreat and ability to fully integrate the shifts of consciousness that may arise.

We’re looking for experienced meditators open to working with 5-MeO, or experienced psychonauts willing to work with meditation and yoga. Natural and/or externally catalyzed samadhi state experience is preferred. Trauma can arise in this work and this is not a healing-orientated retreat in itself (of course we hold space for whatever arises). 

The structure of our program is close to a traditional meditation retreat: lots of time to meditate, do yoga, breathwork, etc., in a guided program, and be fully supported for the shift you will experience. At times in the program this will be amplified by low-dose 5-MeO. The goal is to gently relax the mind and use the intention of these practices to deepen your natural connection. 

We do ask for a commitment to the program and a willingness to learn. In essence, we hold space for a Mystery School-type container to advance the student on the path. There will be nightly satsang discussions, and daily integration meetings with facilitators.

Bridging Heaven is more than a five-day meditation and 5-MeO retreat, it’s the next step on your path and the the start of a focused community willing to embrace the gift of true, embodied awakening in the world.

Default Mode Networks (DMN)

When you have a non-dual, or “unity” experience like on a full release 5-MeO-DMT journey, many things happen. Essentially, the ego mind is lowering: the neuroscience has proven that as well as the traditional psychedelics that affect the Default Mode Network and the 5ht2a receptors, 5-MeO also targets the parietal and frontal lobes. This creates a shift in electrical activity to gamma, as the egoic sense of identity melts into hyper-coherence. (Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 11, no. 2, 2015


Neuroscience studies have pattern matched EEG and MRI scans on monks meditating ( that are identical to scans of people on 5-MeO-DMT. What this means in that external 5-MeO-DMT is simply ‘lowering the gate’ of the egoic mind, in the same way that years of meditating or breath work or mantras also lower the egoic mind. The mind – while part of IT – is still a perception filter between you and Source consciousness within.  


5-MeO-DMT is similar but different from all the other psychedelics in that it is endogenous to the human organism and is known to ‘overwrite’ other psychedelics. That is, once you've had this activation then anytime you alter your Default Mode Network it can just sort of bleed through and come into the other experiences. 


5-MeO seems to activate a higher vibration and it wants to come into our vessels. We are in relationship with it, as the potential for “reactivations” shows. So, let’s step consciously into that relationship and the expanded awareness and responsibility it entails. Let’s do this together.

Reconnecting to Source

The Latin for religion means “to re-weave, or to reconnect,” and what are we reconnecting to but the divine Source, our true nature? So, we all have the capacity to remember IT, but it slips off the conscious mind like a dream. And yet in the energetic opening to what is within it feels like IT reformats our whole being. And by letting go of our trapped trauma and opening up to this Divine presence, we're re-initializing our connection with our deepest self. 


The Indian holy text The Upanishads talks about the “seed of God” that we all have within us–you could call it buddha nature–this flickering or potential activated over many lifetimes to essentially anchor God in the human form, to bridge heaven.


This is what a lot of the mystic Eastern-meditation traditions point towards–that the whole process that they engage with meditation, breath work and their modalities, is to clean out the organism, to clean the yamas and the niyamas, all the things that we energetically hold onto, all the samskaras, all the filtering layers that we create that obfuscate and separate us from our Divine nature within. 


In the Hindu tradition many of their gurus and holy people have achieved this bridging state–they call them Jivanmuktas (“liberated while living”). They embody the idea that you can be God–on earth–while conscious and having a sublimated ego.  


After a decade of increased popularity of 5-MeO in psychedelic circles, we believe it is now time for the next step: to anchor this God-consciousness, this samadhi state through practiced meditation, breath work and other ancient modalities, and to be able to access it through relationship–without an external catalyst.


Join us!



•    People who already have experience with meditation, self-inquiry, or 5-MeO  

•    Those who wish to make a difference in the world

•    Those who are seriously ready for change on a core, deep level and to embody their full potential

This is not an entry-level psychedelic retreat and we prefer to work with those who already have meditation retreat practice. We have 8 spots available and currently offer this program only twice a year. We will be screening candidates for the best fit and the rigors of the retreat and ability to fully integrate the shifts of consciousness that may arise. The 5 days are held in the container of silence, entraining and encouraging deeper stillness and relaxing of the ego mind between meditation and medicine sessions.

We’re looking for experienced meditators open to working with 5-MeO, or experienced psychonauts willing to work with meditation and yoga. Natural and/or externally catalyzed samadhi state experience is preferred. Trauma can arise in this work and this is not a healing-orientated retreat in itself (of course we hold space for whatever arises). 

The structure of our program is close to a traditional meditation retreat: lots of time to meditate, do yoga, breathwork, etc., in a guided program, and be fully supported for the shift you will experience. At times in the program this will be amplified by low-dose 5-MeO. The goal is to gently relax the mind and use the intention of these practices to deepen your natural connection. 

We do ask for a commitment to the program and a willingness to learn. In essence, we hold space for a Mystery School-type container to advance the student on the path. There will be nightly satsang discussions, and daily integration meetings with facilitators.

Bridging Heaven is more than a five-day meditation and 5-MeO retreat, it’s the next step on your path and the the start of a focused community willing to embrace the gift of true, embodied awakening in the world.



•    A breakthrough experience that redefines your understanding of who and what you truly are

•    An entrainment with ancient Vedic modalities 

•    A taste of ego death and rebirth and the realization of eternity

•    A redefinition of life and your place in the interconnected Field

Honestly, awakening is usually a psychedelic buzzword. We understand that the deep psychic spaces that can open up can be challenging, destructive & relentless, as well as empowering. It’s also true that a 5-day retreat will not “make” you enlightened. There’s a lifetime of samskaras – habits, imprints, karma, etc. that need to be addressed and resolved.

What we are intending is to teach you the skills and chaperone you as you form a relationship with the Divine within. After the retreat we want to support you to keep the awakened being on. We know from other cultures and throughout history this phenomena is possible; in this rapidly changing modern world it may even be necessary.

After the retreat you will be supported with a month of weekly integration calls that track your growth and harvest learnings from the program as it continues in your day-to-day life.


You will be also part of a growing community exploring these techniques, and where they lead us, together. 



Are you ready to answer the call from deep within?

In the time before the retreat, our trained facilitators will connect with you for a one-on-one consultation process. We will work together to understand you and where you are at on your path, whatever limitations or blockages may be holding you back, and engage you in a process of asking the questions of self-inquiry to set you on the path.


  • We will create a sense of who we are, and establish rapport with you to feel informed and safe in the process of our retreat

  • We will establish a safe medical container for you by understanding your health and wellbeing

  • We will answer any questions you have about our Awakening process and support your understanding

The inner work of this journey is best supported by a healthy body and mind.  Following a clean diet will energize your body and reduce any energetic blockages for the work ahead. 

We all know how stressful Western work culture can be, but the act of focusing on your purification is a sign of commitment and refining your energy for the activation it will encounter. Try to decrease alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine and sugar to retain your vital energy in the days before the work.  


In our screening process we will discuss any medical issues or concerns you might have, and any medications you are on. There are certain precautions with medications like SSRIs and any MAO-inhibitors to avoid in conjunction with this experience. 


Our trained facilitators will support you through the program and we require you to be honest with us about your medical history so we can better support you.


  • Intensive awakening program with 5-MeO medicine, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, neurofeedback and breath work training program

  • Daily satsang discussions, coaching and integration time


You will be supported through the love and grace of the facilitators to learn how to allow and anchor states of consciousness and states of feeling within yourself.


In our coursework we will begin with an introduction to the Vedic concept of samadhi and the Eight Limbs of Yoga overall. We draw upon lineages both ancient and new, from Buddhist and other eastern streams of consciousness, to New Maps of Hyperspace from the shamanic and psychedelic communities. With respect to all traditions, we seek to crystalize a new way that unites what has come before.


Over the course of our five-day program in Mexico you will learn techniques ranging from classic yogic and Buddhist approaches to approach the mind, body and soul. It's also a bit of an experiment blending the meditation and entheogenic traditions back together, as they may have existed in antiquity in the days of the soma.   


The difference between this retreat and others that offer 5-MeO is that this is not a 5-MeO retreat per se. In essence this is a traditionally structured meditation retreat with accompanying breath work and yoga modalities.

Daily light to moderate doses of 5-MeO are structured into the exercises, intended to embody and deepen your understanding of the yogic path and your sense of functionality. A full release group exercise is part of the final day of practice drawing upon the seminal Toad Palace Protocols teachings for gestalt entrainment.


This work can be a huge activation for your consciousness and energetic body so it is recommended creating space in your life afterwards for integration. Integration techniques can help to anchor the peak experience, allowing you to embody the wisdom you learn and to remember the truth revealed. This is the takeaway from the retreat: to form a relationship with Source within and to integrate that active relationship in your life.

You will have access to longer term community, support and guidance after the retreat to help with longer term integration from our trained facilitators. 


Your integration and learning from the retreat is part of a long-tail learning exercise. As more and more people experience the retreat and learn the skills, we want to build a community around these practices that you will be part of.


Our facilitators are some of the top professionals in the entheogenic and meditation communities with years of safe and sacred space holding between them.




Rak Razam is an alchemical storyteller with his finger on the pulse of tomorrow and the heart of today. A screenwriter, documentary film maker, author, journalist and culture maker, his focus is on the cultural paradigm birthing in this brave new world. Co-founder of the World Bufo Alvarius Congress (, he has become of of the world’s leading experts on 5-MeO, giving lectures and panel discussions at events worldwide. He has been facilitating bufo toad retreats in Mexico since 2016.




Joël Brierre (aka: the entheogenic yogi) is a pioneer in the modern psychedelic movement, and has years of experience in the realm of 5-MeO-DMT and the Bufo Alvarius toad. His unique approach of applying classical non-dual yogic philosophy for both the preparation and integration from the entheogenic experience gained attention from around the world at the first World Bufo Alvarius Congress (WBAC) in 2018 and continues to shift the landscape of psychedelic use. Currently Founder & CEO of Kaivalya Kollectiv and President of Tandava Retreats.




Quilley began exploring many different psychedelic  medicines under the tutelage of Leo Zeff in the early 1970s while recreationally participating in the culture of the day.  Her first non-dual experiences were with the Grateful Dead on medicine.  She has been practicing meditation for over 30 years and helping organize retreats. She has accumulated just under 3 years of mostly silent retreat practice, including time in dark meditation.  Quilley is also an end-of-life Doula, including offering medicine at times for the dying and was a lead moderator on the Toad and 5-MeO Forum and Support in service to the 5-MeO community.   




Eugene A. Alliende, LMFT, is a California licensed transpersonal psychotherapist and meditation teacher. He has been providing traditional and transpersonal psychotherapy for more than 22 years, and has been teaching meditation for close to 20. Eugene is the author of Dimensions of Being: An Explorer’s Guide to Consciousness.  With over thirty years of yoga, meditation, and psychedelic practice, his passion is the exploration of consciousness and how a deeper understanding of our true nature can help heal the individual and the world.




Tandava is located in beautiful and sunny Tepoztlan, Mexico in the state of Morelos. We are just a 90-minute scenic ride south of Mexico City airport. The weather is extremely pleasant and we are surrounded by large, dramatic mountain scenery that lovingly cradles the lush valley.


You can relax on poolside sun loungers in the afternoons and soak in the hot jacuzzi, or have a steam in our sauna in the evenings. Our property is set up to have communal space, as well as private nooks to reflect in peace. We are happy to accommodate your dietary needs and our menu is generally healthy and vegetarian. However, meat and fish can be served at your request.


We have four private rooms with a king-size bed and a spacious dorm room with four beds available . WIFI is available throughout the property, complimentary laundry is handled for you, and there will be staff at your service around the clock.



Mexico Itinerary:


  • 5 days and 5 nights in an exclusive retreat space in Tepoztlan, Mexico about 90 mins outside Mexico City (leaving morning of Day 6) . 


This 5 day awakening program is an exclusive opportunity to partake of a transformative retreat that awakens you to your full potential. 


Spaces are extremely limited and we curate the group dynamic for maximum effect interpersonally and individually to ensure your personal attention and development, and to maximize your growth. The cost for the 5 days and nights depends on your room:


  • Shared Room (4 people)  $3995

  • Private Room $ 4495


This reflects the unique and rare opportunity on offer, the scarcity of the medicine, the attention and skill of the facilitators gathered for your awakening, and the powerful blend of modalities and the program being offered to transform your being and reveal your full potential.  There will be four personal one hour follow up integration calls with one of our facilitators and a long-tail program to continue to entrain the skills taught.



Price includes:


  • 5 days of retreat in the lush accommodation space  

  • Fresh food to support your physical wellbeing

  • Personal instruction, private interviews, discussions

  • Vipassana-style meditation techniques to know yourself

  • Yoga and awareness exercises to honor and awaken the body

  • Daily low-dose 5-MeO assists to deepen your practices 

  • Group ritual and individual initiation

  • Ongoing integration and support sessions

(All that’s not included is the price of international airfares. We can Also arrange transport from Mexico City at an extra cost if needed)



The Bridging Heaven retreats are a life-changing, soul-deepening experience that are not for everyone. You may have experience with meditation, self-inquiry, or plant medicines already, or you may be fresh to the journey. 


You know in yourself if this is something you are drawn to. You will be interviewed to ensure your readiness for this transformative experience. Not everyone who applies will be accepted. 



You can speak directly with the Program Director and organize a one-on-one consultation:


Remember the clear light,

The pure clear white light

From which everything in the universe comes,

To which everything in the universe returns;

The original nature of your own mind.

The natural state of the universe unmanifest.

Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it.

It is your own true nature, it is home.


-–The Tibetan Book Of The Dead


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